29 February 2016

Time for Paper Mache

Today we began to paper mache our balloons. These are going to become the heads for our Superhero puppets. We plan on sharing these next Friday when we are the class of the week at assembly.

25 February 2016

Superheroes of Respect

We have created superheroes in our class. Each has a message that tells a way that you can show respect.  Come into our room to read some of the wonderful ideas. 

23 February 2016

Swimming Helpers

Thank you to all of those parents that returned swimming forms. Your help is greatly appreciated! Swimming begins next Wednesday. Please find below a copy of the parent helper timetable.

16 February 2016

M and M Math

We have been doing Statistics at maths time. We have been collecting data, graphing it and then interpreting the results.

Today we got to be candy auditors! We counted packets of M&M's. Kept and tally chart and then discussed the results. We found that there were a lot of red M&M's in each of the packets. There were not very many blue.

The great thing about our math today, is that we got to eat the data after we had finished counting it!

12 February 2016

Our Classroom Tree-ty (Treaty)

We brainstormed rules that we thought would be important to have in our classroom in order to make it a safe space that we feel we could work in successfully. We then decided upon the rules that we wanted to use in our classroom treaty. We signed the treaty by creating our unique signatures (our hand traced and designed with amazing patterns).
It would be wonderful if you discussed these rules with your parents at home.

Our rules are ...

We will
 - use good manners
 - follow instructions and listen to others
 - use the right voice
 - take care of others
 - consider others
 - use good values
 - avoid distractions
 - keep our hands and feet to ourselves
 - try our best
 - treat others as I would like to be treated
 - respect my property and the property of others

10 February 2016

The aliens have landed!

To start the year, we created aliens out of our names. We wrote our name cursively (joined up) and then reflected it onto the other side of the paper. We then had to use creative thinking to turn the shape that it made, into an alien. We had fun trying to guess which alien belonged to who. Here are two examples for you to look at. Come on into our classroom and see if you can work out which name lies hidden in our alien art!

3 February 2016

Term One Sports Registrations

Futsal, Rippa Rugby and Flippa Ball notices are due back on Friday! Only two more days to get these in.

Swimming Notice

Today the children brought home a swimming notice requesting parent help to walk down to DNI.  The timetable for the swimming days is posted below. If you are available to help, you can either fill in the notice that has come home, or e-mail Trina with the times that you are available. Thank you in advance for the offers of help. They are greatly appreciated!

Upcoming Events