30 June 2016

Mixing Lemon Juice and Milk

Today we mixed lemon juice and milk together. When we first did it, we didn't think that anything had changed or happened. But then we looked (observed) more carefully we noticed a lot of signs that showed that there had been a reaction.

The milk had gotten thicker and we noticed that some parts of it had changed a different colour. When we poured the mixture into another cup we noticed that the milk had gone lumpy and very thick.

What had happened? The acid in the lemon juice made the milk curdle!

29 June 2016

Science at the Museum

Today we visited the Otago Museum to take part in their 'Lotions and Potions' workshop. We had a lot of fun mixing different ingredients together and thinking about the science behind what was happening.

21 June 2016

Well Done!

Well done Rosa and Alex! Today the girls took place in the whole-school 'Sell-a-Story' competition. They both did a wonderful job.

Rosa received a participation certificate and Alex came in second place. You should both feel very proud of your efforts!

20 June 2016

Hockey Time

On Monday we have hockey coaching. This week we learnt how to use the hockey stick to dribble our ball.

17 June 2016

Science with balloons and pepper

Do you know that balloons can attract pepper and make it jump off the plate? That is what we found out in science today.

We sprinkled some pepper onto a plate. One of the group rubbed the balloon on their hair. We then put the balloon close to the pepper. The pepper leapt up and stuck to the balloon.

So what is happening? When you rub the balloon on your hair the friction caused by the hair and the balloon rubbing against each other causes the electrons from your hair to transfer to the balloon. This gives the ballon a negative charge. When you hold the balloon over the pepper, the pepper sticks to the balloon because the pepper has protons and a positive charge. Just like magnets - opposites attract!

15 June 2016

Well done 'Sell-a-Story' Finalists

Today, we were represented in the Middle Team finals by Brooke, Noah, Alex and Rosa. They all did a wonderful job and should feel very proud of their efforts.

Well done to Rosa and Alex who will both be representing the Middle Team at the whole school finals next week.

10 June 2016

Congratulations to our 'Sell-a-story' finalists

 All of the children participated in our annual oral language competition this week. This year, we had to share part of one of our favourite books. We had to 'sell-our-story' to the audience. Two year-three children and two year-four children were then chosen to represent our class in the Middle Team Competition next week.

Congratulations to our classroom winners.

     Year 3 - Noah Wilson & Brooke Cathro
     Year 4 - Rosa Van Turnhout & Alex Barkman