29 July 2016

We are amazing!

Room 9 and 11 managed to raise $640 for the SPCA from our bake and craft sale. Fantastic job everyone! Thank you to everyone that supported us with this.

International Day

Today was International Day. We had a parade to show off our costumes from different countries.

28 July 2016

Climbing with our buddies

Today our buddies from Kindle 2 came over and we introduced them to our new climbing frame. We helped them to climb up the first few levels of the web.

SPCA Bake Sale

Today Room 9 and 11 had their SPCA bake sale. Thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped us to bake some amazing creations. Our teachers were very impressed with the dedication and commitment we showed towards raising lots of money for the animals. We were very successful!

27 July 2016

Making Sherbet

Today we made sherbet to sell in our bake sale. We had fun measuring the ingredients and mixing it together.

Welcome to Miss Toddun

Welcome to Miss Toddun (our Master's College Teacher) who has come to work with us this term. Miss Toddun will be with us for most of Term 3, and will be doing quite a bit of teaching towards the end of the term.

14 July 2016

Helping our buddies to sew

Today we helped our Kindle 2 buddies with their compassion project. They were sewing pictures to send to the children's ward at the hospital.