30 November 2016

Hoop Gliders - the science of flight

Today, we made hoop gliders. We had to change different variables to see how we could get our gliders to fly further. We had fun testing them!

29 November 2016

Performance Costumes

Our end of year show is coming up in the Town Hall next Thursday evening (8th December).

All of the children should have brought home a notice outlining any items of clothing that were needed as part of their costumes for this. Could these please be brought to school by Monday the 5th of December. Thank you for your help in collecting these items!

We look forward to seeing you all at our performance.

A musical morning

Today some members of the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra visited our school to perform for us. The played us songs that allowed us to travel through the decades and taught us some interesting facts about some of their instruments.

22 November 2016

Bubble Science

Today we looked at the science behind bubbles. We learnt that warm air is lighter than cool air. And that bubbles are made up of two states of matter (gas and liquid).  We had lots of fun chasing and popping the bubbles as well!

17 November 2016

Salvador's Strength Goal

Today Salvador played us some tunes on his saxophone. He did an amazing job!

14 November 2016

Sports and Cultural Photos Tomorrow

A quick reminder that sports and cultural photos (ie. Futsal, Science Club, Art etc) are on this week (Wednesday the 16th). Could children please bring sports uniforms with them if needed. Thank you!

If you are a coach of a team, then we would love you to be in the photo if possible. Please see the timetable below for approximate times for the teams. Thank you!

(If you click on the image below, you will be able to read the print more easily 😊 )

2 November 2016

Our 'Little Garden' has been planted into a bigger garden!

Today we planted our seedlings into a bigger space with more soil for our plants to get nutrients. We are crossing our fingers that they continue to grow!