29 March 2016

M and M Science

Today we soaked M & M's in water. It was really interesting to watch what happened. The dye colours didn't mix together - they stayed separate.
Look at what happened.

16 March 2016

Our assembly

Thanks to Poppy and her mum, we have a copy of our assembly that we did on Friday.
The file was too big to put up on the blog, but if you would like to see it (or would like a copy), come and see Mrs Wood in Room 9. (Bring along a pendrive if you would like a copy!)

10 March 2016

Superheroes of Respect

Today we presented our superheroes of respect movie at assembly. For a repeat viewing, click on the video link below.

9 March 2016

Swimming thank you!

Tomorrow is our last day of swimming.

Thank you so much to all our wonderful parent helpers that came along to help us walk to and from the pool. Your help was greatly appreciated!

Assembly tomorrow

Don't forget that Room 9 will be class of the week at the assembly tomorrow (Friday the 11th of March).
We plan on sharing our amazing puppets that we have created, as well as other things that we have been doing in our classroom. We look forward to seeing you all there.

7 March 2016

Don't forget that Learning Commitment Interviews are happening next week (Wed 16th and Thursday 17th of March).
To book a time go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz
The event code is in the newsletter that was sent home (a copy of this can be found on the George Street App).

1 March 2016

It continues every day, until Friday the 11th of March.

Please bring your togs and a towel, and wear sensible shoes and named clothing. Don't forget that if it likes like it could rain, bring a jacket.